Sunday, June 14, 2009
Saturday, June 13, 2009

And afterwards, many of us were wiped out... some slept with their Costa Rica stuffed monkeys on the bus-- ah, Cuenca...

They are calling us to board right now, so those will be the last pictures I can share from Costa Rica-- I'll do a final post from back in New York! The snorkeling photos are really something worth waiting for...
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Day #2 at the Farm
Service Day #1

In the middle of the day, we took a break and went down the neighbors' house for lunch. We hung out with Ronny, the little grandson of the neighbor, listened to music, ate a yummy homecooked meal, sampled "ice cream beans" that Maren found growing outside and enjoyed a break from the heat.

Then it was back to work! We buried the pipe in the ditch, finished moving what at one point had seemed like an endless pile of dirt, and watched as the head of the project inflated the plastic bag with exhaust to start the system. Success!
Monday, June 8, 2009
Okay, so this will be the last post until later tonight... but I couldn't keep the video footage of Christopher & our snake friend from you. Maren, our guide, just reminded me that Eliza is not a boa constrictor, but rather a python. Either way, this lovely snake was wrapped around many of our kids. They totally shocked us by lining up waiting to have a python draped around them. This was at the same place where we were watching lava flow down the volcano from the porch at night after dinner... all before heading to the hot springs, where we took the pictures below.
We just finished breakfast (on Alenson's 14th birthday!) in Sarapiqui, where our hotel is pretty awesome yet again. Deep green lush forest every direction you look with bright red, pink and orange flowers popping up every so often and a babbling stream right next to us. Then there are paths covered by thatched rooves heading out in every direction to the rooms. Each of our rooms has a patio with a hammock-- seeing kids lounging around debriefing the day in hammocks is a funny sight for sure. Pretty different in every way from Brooklyn.
In a few minutes, we'll head out to the Sarapiqui Conservation Learning Center, where we'll be building a biodigester for a family's farm-- basically a way for them to use their cow, pig and horse livestock's excrement to emit methane gas that they can then pipe into their house to use for their stoves and lights, therefore not having to pay for electricity. Talk about hands-on experiences of renewable energy! We're all really excited. In the afternoon, we're getting a cooking class!