Sunday, June 7, 2009

First video!

We've arrived in Sarapiqui after driving through lots of pineapple fields and are having two hours of free time at the hotel before dinner. Several kids are heading out on a short hike with Mane, one of our guides, to hopefully see some caymans (small crocodiles). Most of the others are in the pool with Mr. Teague (swimming for the third time today after the waterfall and our pool at our last hotel) right off the balcony where I'm writing from. I'm trying out this video as a test run-- Paularah coming across one of the long ziplining cables we did yesterday during our canopy tour! If it works, I'll get more up here soon! I'm passing your comments along to kids as you post them, so keep 'em coming!


  1. It sounds like so much fun!Chris, mami says hi and that she misses you alot. She says Alex keeps looking for you all over the house. He misses you. Have FUN,Be save. Behave lol

  2. Hi, this is Alenson mom and I am glad that you guys are having a great time. Ms. Leaird tommorow Jun. 8th is Alenson 14th birthday, please give him a big kiss and hug for me. Please tell him that we miss him alot. Thanks

  3. Looks like fun.... Hello Justin
    Why havent we heard from you? too much fun...
    Chris and Mom say hi

  4. This is Kai and i want 2 tell Danae dat i've been documenting evrything thats happend so far at school. ily Danae =]

    Hiya! its Ashley!! I miss you guys so much! You guys better miss me too lol Cant wait untilyou guys come back

  5. hi Micheal its the Almonte family.Things are quiet without u!We miss u a lot .Have fun and be yah!P.S-Briana is writing all of this down!LOL!

  6. hi nikki
    Im soooooooooooo glad to see you have a great time.
    cant wait to have you home to hear it all
    have agreat time.
